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ADAAMS is the state-of-the-art data monitoring and analytics platform which offers deep insights on fleet and vessel performance and utility sensors (water quality, etc.). It is extended to data history tracing and advanced analytics. The ADAAMS platform can be coupled to AQVIS-DU data collection unit or any other telemetry data source purely dependent on data hosting location. It can run as a web-based platform or on-premise solution, connected to 3rd party or your data servers. The User Interface is fully adaptable to vessel, sensor modules or mission requirements where we support or provide the turnkey solutions.

Standard dashboards consists of a Fleet Overview, Navigation, Data Hub, History and Data Analytics module.

  • Fleet view presents the location of each vessel with its key parameters like speed, heading and estimated range. It shows the alarms and alerts of each vessel. From the dashboard it is possible to navigate to detail data of each vessel individually.

  • Navigation window is a vessel performance monitoring dashboard. It shows information such as heading, route, vessel speed, depth, distance to impact, wind speed and direction, deck and engine battery status, eMotor current, voltages, temperatures, power and speed. It also has graphical view of relation between eMotor power to speed and heading.

  • Data Hub is a hosting place of all utility measurements done onboard the vessel. From water and air quality to any kind of other mission use cases. The data is streamlined in real-time and simultaneously, all mission history measurements can be traced by location and time. The Data Hub dashboard serves as mission status and operations validation monitor.

  • History tracing is a dedicated dashboard with feature to select any desired time period in mission or vessel operational history and all recorded data will be visualized. The data can also be traced by location and mission can be fully replayed. All data can be exported as raw, directly from the server in a form of csv files.

  • Analytics - The recorded data has a limited value if the desired insights are not retrieved from it. The data analytics module is doing exactly this. It is featured with predefined or custom algorithms for data aggregation, anomaly detection and forecasting. The algorithms range from simple square methods to advanced AI anomaly detection methods.

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